Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hospital Infection Control A Systematic Literature Review

Hospital Infection Control: A Systematic Literature Review of Health Care-Acquired Infections As the scientific and health communities continue to march on with their efforts to identify, research, and thus educate the rest of the world, it is in an ongoing effort to acknowledge new information and allow its application into todays care practices. Taking the opportunity to attend any plethora of medical conferences is a good way to learn about new studies, technology, and changes in practice. For those of us who do not have that kind of time, the internet can be a valuable source for literature. One area of continued review and revisions to be researched is in the branch of infection control, but more specifically the rate and result of the physical, emotional, and financial toll of health-care acquired infections in hospital settings. Following recent and accumulative research will allow us to figure out the most proficient and cost-effective way to reduce the risk of HAI. I first began my search by typing in such phrases as â€Å"infection control†, â€Å"preventin g health-care associated infections†, â€Å"hospital-acquired infections†, â€Å"infection control and nursing†, â€Å"hospital-acquired infections statistic in Florida†, and â€Å"infection control reduction in nursing†. I was beginning to see that there was an astounding amount of resources to cover so I began to filter threw them in regards to the causes of infection in hospitalized patients, the rate of infections, and solutions toShow MoreRelatedPrevention Of Central Line Infections1588 Words   |  7 PagesPart A Central line infections (also known as central line-associated bloodstream infection), takes place when germs get into the bloodstream via a central line. Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) continue to be one of the most deadly and costly hospital-associated infections in the United States. 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